
Over the years the experienced technicians at ComWiz have seen just about everything, so if you have a problem related to computers or technology chances are we can help. We can help diagnose the cause of the problem and explain the repair process in an easy to understand manner, no geek speak here!

Below are a selection of the services that we offer, both in the store or at your home/office. If you need it urgently, we can do that aswell.

If you can't find what you are looking for below feel free to get in touch today and see how we can help.

Computer running slow? Windows updates failing? Simply bring your computer into the store or give us a call to talk to one of our friendly technicians.

Experts in all things Laptop, our skilled team can handle all laptop repairs from memory upgrades to screen replacements and water damage/logic board repair.

Battery not lasting very long or can't get your emails synchronising with your computer? The expert team at ComWiz can help.

We can host your website and emails to give you a more professional look. Hosted in a state of the art Australian data centre you can be sure your email service will be lightning fast and reliable

Cant get into the store? Not a problem, let us come to you. We can get to you quickly and resolve most problems on the spot, in the comfort of your home or office.

Has your external hard drive stopped working, or your computer failing to start up. We use the latest technology to recover all of your precious files.

Looking for something else?

If you need any further information, feel free to give us a call or submit an online enquiry anytime.